Ya era hora de que llegaran las fiestas, ahora todo es paz,
tranquilidad, amor y… REGALOS
¿A veces es lo que más nos interesa no? Sobre todo a los más
pequeños de la casa, y aunque ellos prefieran los juguetes y las muñecas pero hay un
regalo que también sobresale en estas fechas, ¡ el libro! En este post os diré
que libros podrían gustarle a un/una
adolescente. También me gustaría que dejaseis vuestros
comentarios sobre qué libro queréis vosotr@s para estas navidades.
We are on holidays, now all is peace, tranquility, love and ... GIFTS! Sometimes the gifts is only what we want and of course, Who prefers the gifts? Of course the answer is the little of the house, and although they prefer toys and dolls but there is a present that also excels for Christmas , the book! In this post we will recommend some books that would like to a teenager. And please don’t forget to leave a comment down below and show us which is your perfect book for this Christmas
We are on holidays, now all is peace, tranquility, love and ... GIFTS! Sometimes the gifts is only what we want and of course, Who prefers the gifts? Of course the answer is the little of the house, and although they prefer toys and dolls but there is a present that also excels for Christmas , the book! In this post we will recommend some books that would like to a teenager. And please don’t forget to leave a comment down below and show us which is your perfect book for this Christmas
2-El corredor del laberinto de James Dashner
2- The Maze Runner by James Dashner
3- The Hunger Games by Suzane Collins
4- The Fault in our Stars by John Green
5-Percy Jackson de Rick Riordan
5- Percy Jakson by Rick riordan
6-Cazadores de sombras de Cassandra Clare
6- The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
7-Harry Potter de J.K.Rowling
7- Harry Potter by J.K.Rowling
1-Cinder de Marissa Meyer
1- Cinder by Marissa Meyer
1- Cinder by Marissa Meyer
2-Rubí de Kerstin Gier
2- Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier
2- Ruby Red by Kerstin Gier
3-Ex libris de Sandra Andrés Belenguer
3- We couldn't find anithing of this book in English so we think that it only exists in Spain. Sorry!!
5-Una fashionista viajera en el tiempo de Bianca Turetsky
5- We couldn't find anithin of this book in English. Sorry!!
6-It doesn't exist in English. Sorry!!
7- Kate y sus hermanas de Jessica Spotswood
7- Kate and her Sisters by Jessica Spotswood
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