San Valentín
está a la vuelta de la esquina!!, por eso las chic@as chic hemos decidido, que
esta semana todos los post que se cuelguen, a demás de ser chic como siempre,
tendrán un toque muy romántico!! Con este post cerraremos el apartado de las
islas baleares! Menorca es la isla que nos queda de las tres principales
preciosas islasMenorca aunque sea pequeñita como Ibiza, es enorme en
nivel de belleza y paraíso. Comentaré las calas más prestigiosas que tiene,
lugares y gastronomía con mucho
romanticismo. (Chicas avisar a vuestros amores que lean este post, y habrán
sorpresas muy románticas que os gustaran, harán que os enamoréis todavía más de
Valentine's day is almost here!!, that's why this week all the posts that we are going to post are going to be very romantic!! With this post we close the Balearic Islands section! Menorca it's beautiful like a paradise. I'll talk about the most prestigious beaches, places and gastronomy with a lot of romance. (Girls say to your loves they have to read this post, and there are going to be very good roamntic surprises that would like you).
Valentine's day is almost here!!, that's why this week all the posts that we are going to post are going to be very romantic!! With this post we close the Balearic Islands section! Menorca it's beautiful like a paradise. I'll talk about the most prestigious beaches, places and gastronomy with a lot of romance. (Girls say to your loves they have to read this post, and there are going to be very good roamntic surprises that would like you).
post contiene una alta dosis de azucar, arcoiris y unicornios felices. Si eres
diabético, tu novia te acaba de dejar o simplemente eres del club forever
alone, no lo leas. Avisado quedas.
This post has a very high dose of sugar, rainbows and happy unicorns. If you are diabetic, your girlfriend has alredy left you or you are of the club forever alone, don't read. We warned you.
1)LAS CALAS MÁS BONITAS: Ojalá tuviéramos tanto tiempo para visitar
todas las calas de Menorca, porque todas son preciosas, pero por desgracia no
podemos, por eso os voy a mostrar las más chic. Un consegito para los eternos románticos: compra pan, queso,
vino, algún postre y lleva a tu amor a cenar a la puesta de sol o a la luz de
la luna en alguna de estas paradisiacas calas, y contemplad las estrellas es una gran idea, muy romàntica, perfectay además nada cara.
1) THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CREEKS: Wish we had enough time to
visit all the creeks that are in Menorca, because all of them are amazing, but unfortunately we can't, so I am going to show you the most chic ones. A little advice for the romantic guys: buy breath, cheese, wine and some dessert, and prepare a romantic dinner watching the sunset or in the moonlight, in one of those heavenly creeks, and see togrther the stars it's a prefect idea, very romantic, and not very expensive.
- CALA TURQUETA: Si se llama cala Turqueta no es por casualidad, ya que sus aguas son de un turquesa que bien parece sacado de los ojos de la mismísima Afrodita. Está situada en la zona sur de la isla, a unos diez minutos en coche desde la conocida población de Ciudadela.
- CALA MACARELLA: Para muchos, la cala Macarella es una de las calas más bonitas de Menorca. Está situada en la costa sur de la isla y, eso sí, está un poquito llena de gente en verano porque esta calita es una delicia paradisíaca. Y es que entre acantilados de roca gris y blanca, revestidos de una densa floresta de pinos, la cala abraza la mar turquesa, sus aguas son tan claras que hasta podrás ver la sombra de los pequeños barcos sobre el fondo del mar.
- CALA MITJANA: Se trata de una cala más larga que ancha situada al suroeste de la isla, en el hermoso y tradicional pueblo de Ferrerías. La cala Mitjana es una cala de arena blanca y fina, rodeada, como no podía ser de otra manera, por pinos.
1) THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CREEKS: Wish we had enough time to
visit all the creeks that are in Menorca, because all of them are amazing, but unfortunately we can't, so I am going to show you the most chic ones. A little advice for the romantic guys: buy breath, cheese, wine and some dessert, and prepare a romantic dinner watching the sunset or in the moonlight, in one of those heavenly creeks, and see togrther the stars it's a prefect idea, very romantic, and not very expensive.
- TURQUETA CREEK: If it's called Turqueta creek it's not chance, it's because their waters are a turquoise color that look like Afrodita's eyes. It's in the south part of the island, ten minutes with car from Ciutadela.
- MACARELLA CREEK: For lots of people the Macarella creek is one of the most beautiful of Menorca. It's in the south coast of the island, and in summer it's a bit full of people, because it's a heaven. And between the grey and white rocks of the cliffs, the creek hugs the sea, with its clear waters that you could see the shadow of the little boats.
- MITJANA CREEK: It's the most long and wide creek in the south-west of the island, in the beautiful and traditional town Ferrerías. The MItjana creek it has a white and mild sand, surrounded by pines.
- ES TALIER: Es Telier es una cala muy, muy tranquila y poco concurrida. Y además muy pequeña. Está un tanto escondida y es una maravilla. Sus aguas también turquesas son una gozada. Está al sur de Ciutadella.
- ES TAILER: Es Tailer it's a very, very quiet creek, and a bit busy. And very little too. Its's not very famous, but it's beautiful and perfect. It's turquoise waters are blast. It's in the south of Ciutadela.
2)PASEITO: Pasead
cogidos de la mano, que se note que estáis enamorados el uno por el otro, por
las preciosas calles blancas de la isla.
claro, susurra a tu dulce mitad cuanto la amas!
2) PROM: Have a prom holding hands, and say that you are in love, through the beautiful streets of the island.
2) PROM: Have a prom holding hands, and say that you are in love, through the beautiful streets of the island.
3) CIUTADELLA: Si además de ir a las preciosas calas queréis ver un poquito de
cultura no os podéis ir de Menorca sin visitar Ciutadella. Ciutadella es la segunda ciudad más importante de
la isla después de Maó. Perdeos por
el casco
histórico y visitar la catedral.
Pasear por el puerto de camino
hacia el Castillo
de San Nicolás cogidos de la mano y
detenernos en la Plaza del Born que
contiene un obelisco en memoria del ataque turco del año 1558.
3) CIUTADELLA: If do you want some culture don't forget to visit Ciutadella. It's the second most important city after Maó. Visit the antique part and the cathedral. Have a prom through the maritim port, walking to the San Nicolás Castle, holding hands and stop at the Born Plaza that has an obelisk in memory of the Turkish attack in 1558.

3) CIUTADELLA: If do you want some culture don't forget to visit Ciutadella. It's the second most important city after Maó. Visit the antique part and the cathedral. Have a prom through the maritim port, walking to the San Nicolás Castle, holding hands and stop at the Born Plaza that has an obelisk in memory of the Turkish attack in 1558.
4)MAÓ: Maó es la capital de Menorca y la ciudad más
importante de la isla. No obstante, es una ciudad tranquila y agradable,
perfecta para los dos. Dispone
de uno de los puertos más
importantes de la zona, lo que hace imprescindible un paseo por la zona
portuaria. Además del puerto hay: la fortaleza de la Mola situada muy cerca del puerto, el
edificio del ayuntamiento, el Bastión de Sant Roc que conserva la puerta principal de la
antigua muralla que rodeaba Maó y la Iglesia de Santa María. Los amantes de los museos pueden acercarse también al museo de Menorca que tiene objetos prehistóricos.
4)MAÓ: Maó is the Menorca's capital and the most important city of the island. It's a calm and nice city. It has the most important port of the place, so it is essential tp take a prom through that zone. There are also: the fortrests of the Mola situated near the port, the city hall's building, The Bastión of Sant Roc retaining the main entrance of the ancient wall that surrounded Maó and the Church of Santa Maria. The museum lovers can visit the museum of Menorca too, it has some prehistoric objects.

4)MAÓ: Maó is the Menorca's capital and the most important city of the island. It's a calm and nice city. It has the most important port of the place, so it is essential tp take a prom through that zone. There are also: the fortrests of the Mola situated near the port, the city hall's building, The Bastión of Sant Roc retaining the main entrance of the ancient wall that surrounded Maó and the Church of Santa Maria. The museum lovers can visit the museum of Menorca too, it has some prehistoric objects.
5) PUEBLO Y CENA ROMÁNTICA: Al anochezer, podéis ir a Fornells, pueblo
de pescadores, con un bonito puerto en el centro del pueblo, para pasear a la luz de la luna y una gran bahía con un agua transparente y
turquesa que enamora, para disfrutar de las vistas. Además, cenando uno de los platos estrella de la isla: la caldereta de
langosta, con un buen vino, y al medio una vela, todo muy romántico e ideal.
5)TOWN AND ROMANTIC DINNER: In the evening, you can go to Fornells, a fishermen town, with a beautiful port in the center, you can have walk in the moonlight, and it has a big bay with a transparent and turquoise water that makes you fall in love with it. Also, you can eat one of the most famous dishes of the island: lobster stew , with good wine, and in the middle one candle, all very romantic and perfect!
5)TOWN AND ROMANTIC DINNER: In the evening, you can go to Fornells, a fishermen town, with a beautiful port in the center, you can have walk in the moonlight, and it has a big bay with a transparent and turquoise water that makes you fall in love with it. Also, you can eat one of the most famous dishes of the island: lobster stew , with good wine, and in the middle one candle, all very romantic and perfect!
Regálale una rosa de color rojo pasión, con unos bombones, y será un San Valentín, de lo más perfecto. Espero que os hayga gustado este post de lo más romántico!! A si, recordad que si vais en avión cógete a tu pareja, y así todo empezará de lo más romántico y perfecto!! Un besito a todos, comentad y seguidnos en:
Facebook: Chic Numberfive
Twitter: @chicnum5
Instagram: Chicn5
Give him a red rose, with some chocolates, and will be the best San Valentin ever. I hope you liked this romantic post!! And yes, remember that if you go by plane, take your patner with love and this is all very romantic and perfect!! Kisses for you, don't forget to coment down below and follow us at:
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